when sent by surface mail. By air mail the differentials are $1.75 and $3.25 respectively. The books are much more because they weigh 10 oz. apiece. Other items are proportional and can be estimated by the price. Thus a $3 book would be about half the weight and thus half the postage of TVia itself while a $5 book would probably weigh approximately the same as TVia and would take the same postal surcharge.
III. MARK YOUR MANUSCRIPTS: Once again I have to ask that you put your mailing name (not just your femmename) or else your FPE Code number on your contributions. Otherwise I may forget to take the name from your letter of transmittal and write it on and then I won't know whom to give credit to when it's printed or whom to make the payment to.
IV. NEW MATERIAL: In the Editorial Emanations of No. 77 I made an appeal for the submission of more material, particularly articles, personal experiences and histories, though fiction is also needed. Since I wasn't exactly overwhelmed or inundated with items I re- print this note again. I don't want to write TVia alone, it's your mag- azine, so let's have what you have so that others may enjoy it too. V. PRICE INCREASE: You may have heard of inflation, yes? Well, it's here as well as elsewhere. The makers of the inserts for the jelly filled falsies have informed me of a price increase which perforce has to be passed on to you. It is only 25 cents a pair, however, so it won't break you up. But those of you who have old price lists in hand where the regular and mastectomy inserts are listed at $4 should add the 25 cents as the price must now be $4.25. In due course the bras will probably be raised again too but they haven't been yet.
VI. THIRD CLASS ANYONE?: In No. 77 I pointed out that postage was a very big item in Chevalier's expenses. I also indicated that many of you receive materials from other publications which is sent 3rd Class mail. If you can receive it from them you could also receive it from Cheavlier that way and I asked to be informed if you would permit this. Only about a half dozen readers have given us the author- ity to ship 3rd class. The other publications don't even ask you, they just do it. I've always mailed 1st class for security reasons and will continue to do so for those for whom it is necessary but when you are getting other items that way I would appreciate your considera- tion of permitting 3rd class. When the new postal rates go into effect at 10 cents per oz. there will of necessity be an increase since 10%